Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I Believe

          What are your core beliefs? What do you stand for? What do you value? Why? 
  (to be honest i really don't have any believes so im just making stuff up as i go plz don't be mad .-.)

I believe that school should start more around the afternoon because that way we get more sleep and more rest so we don't look like zombies in the morning. I saw somewhere in the internet ,i forgot where, that our brain functions more properly around 10 (i don't know if this is true or not but i thought it would be cool to add it here).

I believe that my mom is the best cook because her cooking is amazing. I remember in elementary i always had to hide my lunch all the time cause my friends would always steal it. Also, because when me and my family would go to parties they always want my mom to make make the food.

I believe technology is going to take over the world because everyone pretty much live on there phone, computer,etc. and I'm one of those people. Everyone is on there phone, computer,etc. We barely go outside. (this is horrible XD)

I believe that I will get better at drawing because why not. Also because i really like drawing and i want to get better at it. I draw a lot i think that my drawings are horrible but people say that they are pretty (LIES!!! THEY ARE NOT PRETTY) so I'm gonna keep trying to make them better. (This is something random i thought of right know but it's true)

I believe