Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Multiple Identities

What identities do you have? Describe the characteristics of each identity.

I am a daughter. I am the second child. I am the ''baby" of the family.

I am a sister. I have an older sister. She is 17 about to be 18. She is in high school.

I am an artist. I love to draw. People say  that my drawings are good but think that they are ok i guess.

I am a couch potato. I dont like doing exercise or anything that requires me to go out side and do stuff.

I am an animal lover.  I love animals i find them more interesting than humans (reason why i dont have many friends). I think that animals are smarter than us. A dog is smarter than a human because the dog can understand the human but the human can not understand the dog.

I am a fangirl. I am obsessed with books, anime, tv shows. I waste my life fangirling over fictional characters. (this is the main reason why i dont have many friends or go outside.)

I am a Introvert. I prefer to do things alone. I dont like being around people nor talking to people.

Multiple identities

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